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We Equip the World’s Next-Gen Cyber Defenders

It’s been an eventful month for Metova CyberCENTS.

In late July we announced that the Air National Guard selected us as the cyber range provider for their Interconnected Training Environment. We are equipping the Air National Guard Cyber Mission Forces with CyberCENTS cyber range technology to support their tier 1, 2 and 3 exercises, conduct training, and to maintain cyber mission ready proficiency as required by the Air Force’s 24th Air Force.

Today we are proud to announce that the US Navy has selected us as the cyber range persistent training environment (PTE) provider for the US Navy Cyber Operations Training Simulator program.

We’re providing a full-time persistent training environment for the training and certification of Navy Cryptologic Technicians, Information Systems Technicians, Navy Red/Blue Teams and much more. Our Navy Cyber Operations Training Simulator solution will provide persistent training environments for Echelon 2 and 3 of the Navy cyber workforce.

To read the full press releases for more detail, please visit the links below.
PRESS RELEASE – Metova CyberCENTS Cyber Range Technology Selected for US Navy Persistent Cyber Training Environment
PRESS RELEASE: CyberCENTS Selected for Air National Guard Cyber Training