3 min read

Five Easy A/B Tests You Should Do Now

In case you haven’t heard, you should be A/B testing. A/B testing is a great way to learn more about your customers and fit your website to their needs to increase your leads. To put A/B testing simply, you use a tool to run a test on your website that compares an item on your current website against a variation and gives you feedback on which option was more successful. The possibilities of A/B testing are endless. You could virtually test every single detail of your website if you choose to do so. The difficult part is deciding what to test first.

Though there are numerous options, here are 5 basic items to begin testing today.

 1. CTA Buttons

ab tested contact us button

A CTA or call to action button is any button that a visitor would click on. An example of this is a “download” button. You can easily run tests on CTA’s with minor changes such as color, wording, placement, font, etc. to increase click through rate.


 2. Menus & Navigation

metovas menu bar that has been ab tested

Menus and navigation tools are another solid choice for A/B testing. You can test for changes in layout, menu titles, fonts, organization, or placement to optimize your user experience. Figure out what type of menu your visitors are more likely to utilize.


 3. Images

sample image with a watch used for ab testing

By testing different images and different image layouts you can figure out what sort of imagery your visitors are interested in as well as determine what pictures draw attention to important parts of your website. Swapping out images is an easy A/B test that can yield surprising results.


 4. Hyperlinks

Similar to CTA buttons, you want to increase the number of clicks on your hyperlinks. Once again, this is an easy item to adjust and test. Minor changes like font and color can have a huge impact on your click through rate.


5. Headlines

ab test website headline

There are many A/B tests that you can begin today on your headlines. Some of the variables that can be adjusted and tested include wording, layout, size, color, and front. You want to make sure that your headlines are catching the eye of your visitor and enticing them to keep looking at your product or service offerings.


If these A/B test variables sound like easy options, it’s because they are. The simpler the better! Try out any of these A/B tests today and watch your website traffic and interaction increase dramatically. If you need help getting you’re A/B testing underway, Metova can help. Reach out to our marketing strategist and she can get you started.



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