3 min read

Power 20: Stick to Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions

Everyone has food around the office during the holidays. Metova is no exception. You saw our Christmas potluck on Facebook, but you may have missed out on the days we had tacos, donuts, and other goodies! It should be no surprise that fitness and weightloss are on our list of New Year’s resolutions. Good thing we have a fitness application in our arsenal: Power 20. Each workout only takes 20 minutes, which is perfect because ain’t nobody got time for more than that. There are three workout applications in the Power 20 suite: Full Body for the whole package, Amazing Abs to turn that keg into a six pack, and Better Butt for a derrière extraordinaire. With four difficulty levels, it won’t matter if you are a weanie or a bodybuilder.

Power 20 Amazing Abs Power 20 Better Butt

Get it on Google Play Get it on Google Play


In 2012, Metova had the pleasure to meet Arshad Chowdhury, serial entrepreneur and naptime connoisseur. He came with an iOS application and a dream, in more than one sense; he took a catnap in our lounge!

John Owens and Jack Bailey got to work updating the old Power 20 iOS app and replicating it on Android. Metovians are known for their ninja-like speed and were quickly ready to white-label the applications so new ones can be produced as fast as Arshad can develop new content for them.


Power 20 Better Butt, available for Android and iOS

In another stroke of speed and ease for Power 20, Metova provided a multimedia server to allow for the content to be updated without upgrading the application through Google Play. Metova then created promotional content pages to advertise for the newer and older applications to further cement the collection as a series of apps. Gotta collect them all!

Metova enjoys working with Arshad, who is incredibly passionate about Power 20 and works to be deeply involved in its development.


Arshad founded MetroNaps in 2003, is Co-owner of Crowd Interactive, and narrowly escaped a car explosion in 1993. His newest project is an exercise program called The Power 20 Method. Recently, his blog about using a standing desk for two years made the number one spot on popular tech news website Hacker News. Fox Business picked up on the story and invited Chowdhury to be on their show. Watch him in action here!


If you try Power 20 for your New Year’s resolution, let us know! Keep an eye out on our Twitter and Facebook pages for pics of Metovians working out and the start of our annual weight loss challenge.

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