2 min read

Our Top 10 Favorite iOS and Swift Resources

The technology field is in a constant state of change. In order to stay up to date on the latest trends, best practices, and news, our developers are always reading.

Here are some of our team’s favorite sites in no particular order:
The Official Swift Blog
Get the latest news and helpful tips on the Swift programming language from the engineers who created it.

Swift by Sundell
A weekly blog about Swift development, written by John Sundell.

Use Your Loaf
How-to articles full of code snippets.

Issues – objc.io
Advanced techniques and practices for iOS and OS X development.

iOS Dev Weekly
A curated list of iOS development links, every Friday.

NSHipster is a weekly journal of the overlooked bits in Objective-C, Swift, and Cocoa.

Little Bites of Cocoa
Tips and techniques for iOS and Mac development. The goal of each of these bites is to give the reader a brief overview or explanation of a particular concept, technique, or tool.

iOS App Development – Medium Publication
Stories and technical tips about building apps for iOS, Apple Watch, and iPad/iPhone.

Andrew Bancroft
A blog on technology and software development with a primary emphasis on iOS development in Swift, and .Net development in C#

Learn the tools, the language, and the frameworks you need to master Swift and Cocoa development.

Ray Wenderlich

Bonus blog! (If you are counting, this would actually be number 11.)
Over 1,000 free high quality iOS and Swift tutorials – from beginner to advanced topics.

Do you have a favorite that we didn’t mention? Tweet us @metova

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