2 min read

Happy Memorial Day from Metova

Lake trips, barbeques, fireworks, and camping are all connotations of the long Memorial Day weekend. While all of these things are (very) enjoyable, it’s important to remember the true reason we get to celebrate a three-day weekend. 

As I’m sure most of you know, Memorial Day is a federal holiday specific to the United States that is celebrated to remember the lives of those that died while serving in our country’s armed services. It’s an important day to reflect on all the amazing men and women that have given their lives for the betterment of our country and celebrate their contribution. 


Before we departed from work on Friday to enjoy our three-day weekend of rememberance and celebration with friends and family, our CEO sent us a quote from James Garfield, that to me, accurately captures the feeling of Memorial Day:

“We do not know one promise these men (and women) made, one pledge they gave, one word they spoke; but we do know they summed up and perfected, by one supreme act, the highest virtues of men and citizens. For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubt, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue.”


Memorial Day is espeically close to Metova’s heart since we have strong ties to the U.S. Military and Metova Federal is in fact a Veteran Owned Business. We recognize the contribution that our armed forces make to our nation everyday and are thankful for the opportunity to take a day off to relax with our loved ones and honor that contribution. 


So from our Metova family to yours, HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! And thank you to our military men and women. We hope that everyone has a great weekend enjoying the extra time with their friends and family. 

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