

  • Jeremy Devooght
  • Posted by Jeremy Devooght
December 8, 2015

Some call this time of year “the season of giving”. We open ourselves up to those around us. We open our wallets to the less fortunate and our homes to family members and the delicious goodies they bring. While moderation is recommended in consuming these treats, it can be particularly difficult at this time of year. If you are not the type to forego the whipped topping on the pumpkin pie, fear not! There are still some things you can do for your health that don’t involve putting that cookie back (although, depending on how many cookies you’ve already had, you may want to still consider it).

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  • Jennifer Pike
  • Posted by Jennifer Pike
November 13, 2015

Metova has been growing at an astounding pace. We've opened an office in Conway and are preparing to open ones in Fayetteville, AR and Pensacola, FL. During such a huge period of growth, we've had several Metovians who have worked hard to give back to the company and helped Metova grow to be an even better place to work.

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  • Jennifer Pike
  • Posted by Jennifer Pike
April 1, 2015

It's that day again. The day when people are on high alert and need to watch their every move. Any other day that box of donuts wouldn't be safe around you. But today you can't be sure what those donuts are filled with. It's best to not risk it.

At Metova, we love to play pranks on each other. They range from unplugging mice and keyboards to hiding an annoy-a-tron in the office to having a discussion about some questionable images we "found on your computer." Phones and computers are big targets if left unlocked or lying around. Leaving your computer unlocked opens up a world of possibilities for the trolls. Upon return you could find that your wallpaper or screensaver changed, you have declared your love for your fellow coworkers and are going to prove it by bringing in 5 lbs of bacon (or donuts, or cupcakes), or you may have announced your sudden pregnancy. While we don't recommend following in our footsteps- some of our antics are not for the faint of heart- we have compiled a list of a few relatively harmless phone pranks you can try on an unsuspecting friend.

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  • Jennifer Pike
  • Posted by Jennifer Pike
January 8, 2015


In an earlier post, we discussed the three goals we have for our employees: autonomy, mastery, and purpose. To help create a foundation and guide employees down this path, there are several key ideas and guidelines we encourage. Legacy Metovians take what they have learned and found to be beneficial in their own successes, strip it down to the basics, and offer it to the newbs.

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  • Jennifer Pike
  • Posted by Jennifer Pike
December 31, 2014

2014 has been a banner year for Metova!

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  • Metova
  • Posted by Metova
November 14, 2014

We’re Not The Metova We Used To Be

Metova’s key to success has been our ability to adjust in response to a rapidly changing market. We are experts and consultants that know what it takes to release and maintain successful applications. We have evolved everything from our culture to our services and processes. Here is an overview of what you can expect from us.

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  • Jennifer Pike
  • Posted by Jennifer Pike
October 10, 2014

When researching companies to build your mobile presence, it is important to know and understand basic pricing structures used in the industry. Determining which is best for your project in the beginning will make proposal comparison more straightforward. Some common options are time and materials, fixed price, and retainer.

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